Friday, April 10, 2009

Clapping Man Thinks He's Some Kind of Hero

Get a load of this guy...

Nobody likes a braggart, and Mr. Kent "Toast" French is the epitome of a braggart. What makes it worse is that he's bragging about his ability to applaud. He's out there waving around some bullshit certificate like it's an Olympic medal. Give me a break, Toast. Being the fastest clapper in the world is nice, I guess. But how much of an accomplishment is it really? From what I've seen, the world of competitive clapping is a small one. Given a few weeks training time, I'm sure there are some pro baseball players who could out-clap the shit out of this fool. Also, he clearly hasn't been able to translate this into any discernible skill, unless you consider making terrible YouTube videos a skill. Next time I need to start a clap-gang, Toast will be the first guy I grab. Until then, keep clapping, friendo.

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